Error Messages
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Errors When Processing Payments

If you submit a payment transaction and the result is an error, the information below may help.

Error Message

Error What to Do
Swiping card - error message - credit card required - #1024

Most likely what happened is the cursor wasn't located in the "Please swipe your card." box when you swiped the card. Try the transaction again, but this time, before you swipe the card, make sure the cursor is located in the "Please swipe your card." input box - - or click in the "Please swipe your card." input box, then swipe the card.

Swipe Card Fields

  • If you receive the same error again on the second try, try keying in the card number and expiration date rather than swiping the card.
DECLINED The transaction was declined. Ask the customer for another form of payment.
FRAUD The transaction has been declined because the processor suspects it may be fraudulent. This does not necessarily mean that the transaction IS fraudulent--sometimes when a person moves without informing the bank or purchases something outside of their normal purchasing pattern, the card-issuing bank may suspect fraud and decline the transaction. But there is a risk that this might be a fraudulent transaction attempt. You have a choice of what to do in this situation:
  • You can ask the customer to contact their bank.
  • You can ask the customer to provide another form of payment.
  • You can deny the order to this customer.
REFERRAL The transaction was placed in a referral mode which requires follow up by the merchant.
EXPIRED CARD The credit card has expired. Ask the customer for the new expiration date or an alternate form of payment. If this is a scheduled payment, cancel the current scheduled payment and start a new one.
DO NOT HONOR The processor does not wish you to honor this form of payment perhaps because the CVV code or address did not match or because the expiration date is invalid. Sometimes this response happens in error - - you can retry the transaction and if you still receive a DO NOT HONOR response, ask the customer to verify their information or provide an alternate form of payment.
PROCESSOR ERROR There was an error at the processor. Retry the transaction. If it still does not go through, ask the customer for an alternate form of payment.
ACH ERROR 1 There is something wrong with the ACH transaction. The transaction amount may have exceeded the limit allowed. You may wish to ask for an alternate form of payment, or try splitting the transaction up into two payments.
INVALID MERCHANT Something may be wrong with your merchant account or you may be trying to process a transaction type that your merchant account is not set up for (such as an FSA card). Contact Customer Support for further assistance.
INTERNAL ERROR There was an error at the gateway. Retry the transaction. If it still does not go through, contact Customer Support.
COMMUNICATION ERROR There was a communication error in the payment system. Retry the transaction. If it still does not go through, contact Customer Support.
NULL You may be attempting to process a card type (such as American Express) that your merchant account is not set up for. Try asking the customer if they have another card type (such as Visa or MasterCard) - - or contact Customer Support for further assistance.
PAN ERROR You may receive this error when there is a mismatch with the card number. Retry the transaction and if you still have problems, contact Customer Support.
INVALID TRACK DATA The credit card track was not read properly by the card reader. Try swiping the card again.
  • If you get the same response, ask the customer for an alternate form of payment.
  • If you still have issues with a different card, contact Customer Support for assistance.
ACH 2048 Your account may not be set up for eCheck transactions. Contact Customer Support for further assistance.
DENIED: ERROR 902 The check digit for the card number may be incorrect or your account may not be set up for the card type you are attempting to process. Retry the transaction. If it still does not go through, ask the customer for an alternate form of payment. If you have further questions or problems, contact Customer Support for assistance.
TRACK 2 DATA ERROR Your card reader may require cleaning or the magnetic stripe on the customer's card may be unreadable. Try cleaning out your card reader, or keying in the transaction rather than swiping it.
CALL VOICE CENTER Call the voice call center for the associated credit card type. The phone numbers are:
  • American Express: (800) 528-2121
  • Visa/MasterCard: (800) 228-1122
  • Discover/Novus: (800) 347-1111
  • Diners Club: (800) 525-9040
  • JCB: (800) 522-9345